Student solutions to rebuilding belonging in schools post COVID-19: An Appreciative Inquiry.
This conceptual and empirical project, drawing from the strengths-based methodology of Appreciative Inquiry (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987), will use the perspectives of secondary school students to design a set of teacher-based practices for school teachers aimed at building or rebuilding student school belonging after COVID-19 (Hammond, 2013). Secondary school students from a cross-country sample will provide insights into what builds their sense of belonging to school.​
Research Team: Dr Kelly-Ann Allen, Professor Andrea Reupert, Dr Emily Berger, Dr Christine Grove, Lefteris Patlamazoglou, Mr Gerald Wurf, Dr Fiona May. Faculty of Education, Monash University.
Further information
Please contact Kelly-Ann Allen, Principal Investigator
Funding provided by the Faculty of Education, Monash University
Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee Approval code: 25737
Innovation in Belonging for Higher Education Research Group
The Innovations in Belonging Team are currently leading a four site pilot study of a social belonging intervention in partnership with Standford University's College Transition Collaborative.
Research Team: Dr Kelly-Ann Allen (Monash University), Ms Sarah Walker (ANU), Professor Mark Constadine (University of Melbourne), Dr Joseph Crawford (University of Tasmania), Alisa Percy (University Technology Sydney).
Further information
Please contact Sarah Walker or Kelly-Ann Allen, Principal Investigators
Australian National University Human Research Ethics Committee Approval code: 12282
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Become a supporter or donor. The Global Belonging Collaborative is an independent subsidiary of the Homeless Project, a public benevolent institution registered with ASIC and ACNC – (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission)
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